The mountains looked much more spectacular this morning than this picture conveys. This point between New Westminster and downtown Vancouver has one of the most beautiful views.
View from the SkyTrain as it approaches 22nd Street Station. Looking out over the Alex Fraser Bridge, the Fraser River, bits of Queensborough and Surrey, and a whole lot of cloud.
While the blue sign slightly jazzes up the solid 30-story wall of grey, the new TransLink signage design leaves me cold (perhaps because stations are a mishmash of the old and new styles).
Last autumn two old homes were torn down on this lot. Now, it's jam-packed with - I believe - 12 townhomes. This is the centre "courtyard", and if it's more than 10m wide I'll be surprised. The buildings to the right backing on to 8th Street. How is this appealing living? I'm all for upping urban density but this seems a little...claustrophobic.